Page 55 - CW-MAY-JUNE-2021 non-tob
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 Keeping the sales flowing Anecdotal studies, according to Flowsell National Sales Manager Ray Ciseau, show that customers will buy more product if they perceive that the store is always well stocked. One such way of addressing this is through store equipment. When it comes to beverages, Mr Ciseau says gravity feed drink systems always present a fully faced product to the customer, reducing labour costs “as staff don’t need to constantly face up product as it sells during the day.” To make the most of a store’s beverage offering, Mr Ciseau advises retailers to make the early decision to implement an effective management system for cool room/fridge drinks as well as the non- refrigerated drinks. Flowsell offers a range of options for retailers to enhance the appearance of their beverage products – for example, bottle slides, roller slides, and shop front dividers. The company has systems for chilled and non-chilled beverages. Coming soon: alkaline water with no BS H2O+, which will be available for sale in September, is marketed as “alkaline water plus a little more”. “H2O+ is basic alkaline water,” the brand said. “No BS unless BS stands for basic science.” On the topic of what alkaline water is, H2O+ says it has a higher pH level than regular drinking water. “The pH level determines how acidic or alkaline a substance is on a scale of 1-14,” the brand said. “The average bottle of water has an average pH level of 7, while H2O+ Alkaline Water has a pH of 9.5-plus.” The H2O+ product is achieved through “advanced ionisation” – said to be the most advanced process in the industry – with added electrolytes for taste. “Advanced ionisation raises the pH of drinking water through electrolysis,” the brand said. “What’s electrolysis? Well, the purified water passes through magnetically charged plates and is then separated into acidic and alkaline components. The alkaline water then makes its way into the H2O+ bottle.” Addressing its packaging, H2O+ says it played its part by making its bottles BPA-free and 100 per cent recyclable. “Enjoy your bottle of H2O+ Alkaline Water, replace the cap and ensure your bottle ends up in the recycling bin,” the brand said. THE BEVERAGE GUIDE MAY/JUN, 2021 CONVENIENCE WORLD 53 

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